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Comparing Data vs. Physical Business Security

Dan Giffin

In today's world of business security, it is easy to focus primarily on the physical, without truly understanding the importance of data security to prevent cyber attacks.

On January 16, 2016 Forbes released an article predicting that the global cost in cyber attacks will reach $2.1 trillion in the year 2019. Business Insider also released research in 2015 that the primary source of online business fraud was due to malware and phishing scams.

Online fraud can be avoided if the proper resources and actions are implemented to prevent becoming a victim. Although data security can seem more obscure than physical business security, companies of all sizes must take necessary steps to ensure they're protected. The chart below displays how physical security compares to data security in a similar manner. Use this as a reference for understanding how data security is similar to common physical security measures that companies rely on.

If your business experienced a cyber attack, contact NE-INC.

They have the resources with law-enforcement and banking, that may be able to reverse fraudulent transactions.

Physical vs. Data Security Comparison Chart

Many businesses in the United States are not investing enough in data security, which has caused a significant increase in cyber fraud. If your business spends X amount on physical security, doesn't it make sense to be spending at least the same amount or more on data security?

NE-INC helps businesses with the security solutions they need. Click here to contact us!

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